Home Pouring temperature of casting alloys

Further pages, which may be of interest on our homepage are: Nomenclature of non-ferrous metals acc. to DIN 1700, composition of aluminium casting alloys, magnesium casting alloys and zinc-aluminium casting alloys.
Casting metal Pouring temperature [°C][°F] (from ... to ...)
thick-walled thin-walled
Aluminium casting alloy  620  1148  730  1328
Magnesium casting alloy  620  1148  730  1328
Copper casting alloy G-Cu 1150  2102 1290  2354
Copper-chromium casting alloy G-CuCr 1200  2192 1260  2300

1180  2156
1120  2048
1010  1850

1260  2300
1230  2246
1120  2048
Copper-tin casting alloy
G-Cu-Sn10, G-CuSn7ZnPb, G-CuSn5ZnPb

1060  1940
1050  1922

1260  2300
1230  2246
Copper-lead-tin casting alloy
G-CuPb10Sn, G-CuPb15Sn

1010  1850

1150  2102
Copper-aluminium casting alloy
G-CuAl10Fe, G-CuAl10Ni, G-CuAl11Ni

1120  2048

1260  2300
Copper-zinc casting alloy
G-CuZn35Al1, G-CuZn15Si4
G-CuZn34Al2, G-CuZn25Al5

1040  1904
 980  1796
 960  1760

1160  2120
1140  2084
1120  2048
Copper-nickel casting alloy

1350  2462
1370  2498

1430  2606
1450  2642
Nickel-copper casting alloy
G-NiCu30Nb, G-NiCu30Si3

1370  2498

1500  2732
Grey iron 
unalloyed and low-alloyed
1340  2444 1480  2696
Cast steel
unalloyed and low-alloyed

1560  2822
1500  2732

1700  3092
1640  2984
Titanium casting alloy 1700  3092 1800  3272
Zinc casting alloy
GD-ZnAl4, GD-ZnAl4Cu1
GD-ZnAl8Cu1 (ZA-8)
GD-ZnAl12Cu1 (ZA-12)
GD-ZnAl27Cu2 (ZA-27)

 420   788
 420   788
 420   788
 475   887
 525   977

 440   824
 480   896
 440   824
 530   986
 580  1076

from: Taschenbuch der Gießerei-Praxis, Fachverlag Schiele & Schön, Berlin

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© 2004 Büro für angewandte Mineralogie · Dr. Stephan Rudolph · D-47918 Tönisvorst
These recommendations are believed to be correct. However, no guarantee of their accuracy is given. Therefore, purchasers shall make their own tests to determine suitability for their use. These products are offered for industrial and related uses (e.g. research and development) only. However the user must take the necessary precautions appropriate for products containing chemicals. This description does not imply the absence of any patents, the responsibility whatsoever solely rests with the user.