Home Nomenclature of non-ferrous casting alloys acc. to DIN 1700

Key  Meaning
G- Guß allgemein, Sandguß (general castings, sand castings)
GB- Blockmetall (ingot metal)
GBD- Blockmetall für Druckguß (ingot metal for pressure die castings)
GC- Strangguß (continuous castings)
GD- Druckguß (pressure die castings)
GF- Feinguß (investment castings)
GK- Kokillenguß (die castings)
GZ- Schleuderguß (centrifugal castings)
V- Vor- und Verschnittlegierung (master alloys)
VR- Vor- und Verschnittlegierung mit erhöhter Reinheit (master alloys with increased purity)
L- Lot (solder)
Lg Lagermetall (babbit metal)

The specifications shown in the table above for the use and production of non-ferrous metal alloys are completed by the percentage figures of the most important alloying constituents. The figures are added to the chemical symbols, the alloy materials are arranged according to falling content.

from: Taschenbuch der Gießerei-Praxis, Fachverlag Schiele & Schön, Berlin

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© 2004 Büro für angewandte Mineralogie · Dr. Stephan Rudolph · D-47918 Tönisvorst
These recommendations are believed to be correct. However, no guarantee of their accuracy is given. Therefore, purchasers shall make their own tests to determine suitability for their use. These products are offered for industrial and related uses (e.g. research and development) only. However the user must take the necessary precautions appropriate for products containing chemicals. This description does not imply the absence of any patents, the responsibility whatsoever solely rests with the user.