Home EC-Safety Data Sheet (acc. 93/112/EC) Date: 30.04.2001

1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking 
1.1 Identification of the substance or preparation: Weld-Sputter-Release BN25
1.2 Company/undertaking identification: 
Büro für angewandte Mineralogie • Dr. Stephan Rudolph 
Hinkes Weißhof 50 • D-47918 Tönisvorst • Tel.: +49 2156 80072 • Fax.: +49 2156 80835 
1.3 Emergency telephone number: 
Reanimationszentrum der Freien Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 3035 3466 

2. Composition/information on ingredients 
2.1 Chemical characterization (preparation):

No. Substance CAS REG No. EINECS No.
1 Boron nitride 10043-11-5 233-136-6
2 Aluminium oxide 1344-28-1  215-691-6
3 Water 7732-18-5 231-791-2
3. Hazards information 
3.1 Critical hazards to man and environment: Not applicable. 

4. First-aid measures 
4.1 General information: The acidity of this product may cause irritation to skin and damages to eyes with continued exposure. 
4.2 Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air and seek medical attention. 
4.3 Eye contact: Flush eyes with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention. 
4.4 Skin contact: Wash contaminated areas thoroughly with soap and water. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. 
4.5 Ingestion: Give fluids in large quantity and seek prompt medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 

5. Fire-fighting measures 
5.1 General information: Product is not flammable. Co-ordinate fire-fighting measures regarding the surrounding fire. 
5.2 Suitable extinguishing media: Use extinguishing media suitable for surrounding fire. 
5.3 Extinguishing media which must not be used for safety reasons: Do not use extinguishing media unsuitable for surrounding fire. 
5.4 Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, combustion products or resulting gases: Not applicable. 
5.5 Special protective equipment for fire-fighters: As in any fire, wear self-contained, pressure-demand breathing apparatus and full protective gear. 

6. Accidental release measures 
6.1 Personal protection: Observe protection measures from other sections. 
6.2 Environmental protection: Not required. 
6.3 Methods for cleaning up: Clean up mechanically, perhaps by using liquid-absorbing material and store in a closed container. Remove residues with water. 

7. Handling and storage 
7.1 General information: No special precaution measures required. 
7.2 Handling: No special fire- and explosion precaution measures required. 
7.3 Storage: Store product in original container. Keep container closed and shelter from frost. 

8. Exposure controls/personal protection 

8.1 Additional information for system design: Use appropriate local exhaust ventilation to control airborne levels which may be generated by spraying this product. 
8.2 Components with specific control parameters:  Not applicable.
8.3 Personal protection: 
General protection and hygiene measures: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Take off immediately contaminated clothing. Observe usual precaution measures when handling chemicals. 
Respiratory Protection: Not required. Eye Protection: Side-shielded safety goggles.
Hand Protection: Protective gloves from rubber, latex, vinyl. Skin protection: Not required. 

9. Physical and chemical properties

Appearance: liquid, paste Oxidizing properties: N/A
Colour: white Vapour pressure: N/D
Odour: odourless Relative density (water=1): 1.20
Boiling point/boiling range: 100°C Solubility - water soluble: dilutable
Melting point/melting range: 0°C                 - Fat solubility:
Flash Point: N/A Partition coefficient n-octanol/water:
Flammability (solid/gas): N/A pH: 2.5-3.5
Explosive properties: N/A Other data:
10. Stability and reactivity 
10.1 General information: There are no known hazardous reactions when stored and used appropriately. 
10.2 Conditions to avoid: None known
10.3 Materials to avoid: None known. 
10.4 Hazardous decomposition products: There are no known hazardous decomposition products for this material. 
10.5 Hazardous polymerisation: Product will not undergo polymerisation. 

11. Toxicological information 
11.1 General information:According to our present state of knowledge there are no known damages to expect when used appropriately
11.2 Acute toxicity: Toxicological data of this product, especially LD50-data are not available. Boron nitride and aluminium oxide are considered as non-toxic substances. 

12. Ecological information 
No applicable data available. The solids of this preparation (boron nitride and aluminium oxide) are insoluble in water and may be separated by sedimentation. No ecological problems will be expected from appropriate usage. 

13. Disposal considerations 
May be disposed of in a landfill according to local, state and federal regulations after chemical-physical pre-treatment, if need consider contamination by usage.
16 05 02 (Product) inorganic chemical waste,
15 01 02 (Package) plastic package,
15 01 01 (Outer package) paper and cardboard package.

14. Transport information 
Label: Not required. 

15. Regulatory information 
15.1 General information:According to data available to us this product is a non-hazardous preparation. However, the usual precaution measures should be observed when handling chemicals. This product is determined for industrial use and comparable applications (e.g. research and development) only. It is not intended for food, drug or household use. 
15.2 Labelling according to ec-directives: 
Indication of danger of the product: -
Risk statement EC/R: - 
Safety statement EC/S: - 
15.3 National regulations:   

16. Other information 
N/A = not applicable, N/D = not determined

This EC safety data sheet serves only as a description of this product with regard to safety requirements and means no guarantee of properties of the described product. We believe that such information is accurate and reliable as of the date of this safety data sheet; but no representation, guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made. We urge persons receiving this information to make their own determination as to the information's suitability and completeness for their particular application. We further urge purchasers to determine suitability of this product for their application prior to use by making their own tests, also with regard to possible applicational influences. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use and disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product.

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© 2004 Büro für angewandte Mineralogie · Dr. Stephan Rudolph · D-47918 Tönisvorst
These recommendations are believed to be correct. However, no guarantee of their accuracy is given. Therefore, purchasers shall make their own tests to determine suitability for their use. These products are offered for industrial and related uses (e.g. research and development) only. However the user must take the necessary precautions appropriate for products containing chemicals. This description does not imply the absence of any patents, the responsibility whatsoever solely rests with the user.