IV - Hydroxides |
Name | Periclase | |
Chemistry | MgO | |
Hardness | 6 | |
Lustre | vitreous to adamantine | |
Colour | colourless, white, grey, yellow to brown or black | |
Streak | white | |
Density [g/cm3] | 3.6 | |
Crystal habit | isometric, crystals as cubes or octahedrons | |
Cleavage, Fracture | [100], [010], [001] perfect | |
other characteristics and occurrences | contact metamorphic mineral, formed at high temperature from dolomite (CaMg(CO3) -> periclase (MgO) + calcite (CaCO3) + CO2, changes easily to brucite (Mg(OH)2) in presence of humidity | |